2012TGS Washington Seattle年會大展

"Gesneriads in Emerald City"

2012 展於TGS網站的照片

Trip to Rhododendron Garden(By Vivian Liu)

Section A - New World Tuberous Gesneriads in Flower
A區 - 開花中的新世界球根類苦苣苔植物

Class 1 Sinningia speciosa species or hybrids
第1級 原生種或園藝種的大花岩桐

Sinn. speciosa 'Regina'(Best in Class 1)

Class 2 Other Sinningia species with rosette growth pattern
第2級 其他植株是蓮座型的原生種岩桐

Sinn. tuberosa (Close) Sinn. tuberosa(Best in Class 2) Sinn. lineata (Close) Sinn. lineata (Second Best in Class 2)

Class 3 Other Sinningia species with upright growth pattern
第3級 其他往上開花花型的原生種岩桐

Sinn. carangolensis (Close) Sinn. carangolensis(Best in Class 3) Sinn. macrostachya (Close) Sinn. macrostachya (Second Best in Class 3)
Sinn. macrostachya文字說明 Sinn. cardinalis(Third Best in Class 3)    

Class 4 Other Sinningia hybrids with rosette growth pattern
第4級 其他植株是蓮座型的園藝品種岩桐

Sinn. 'Tomorrow' (Close) Sinn. 'Tomorrow'(Second Best in Class 4) Sinn. ('Bewitched' x 'Skydiver') x self (Close) Sinn. ('Bewitched' x 'Skydiver') x self(Honorable Mention)
Sinn. ' Ozark Jumbo Sundae (Close) Sinn. ' Ozark Jumbo Sundae (Best in Class 4) Sinn. 'Spellbound' (Close) Sinn. 'Spellbound' (Third Best in Class 4)
Sinn. ' Orange Zinger' Sinn. 'HCY's Dream Runner' x 'Los Angeles' (Close) Sinn. 'HCY's Dream Runner' x 'Los Angeles'  

Class 5A Other Sinningia hybrids with upright growth pattern
第5A級 其他往上開花花型的園藝品種岩桐

Sinn. 'Apricot Bouquet' (Close) Sinn. 'Apricot Bouquet'(Second Best in Class 5A)    

Class 5B Other Sinningia hybrids with upright growth pattern
第5B級 其他往上開花花型的園藝品種岩桐

Sinn. 'Magic Moment' (Close) Sinn. 'Magic Moment'(Second Best in Class 5B) Sinn. 'Peridot's Patchwork Quilt' (Close) Sinn. 'Peridot's Patchwork Quilt'(Honorable Mention)
Sinn. 'Prudence Risley'(Best in Class 5B) Sinn. 'Peridot's Tie-Dyed'(Close) Sinn. 'Peridot's Tie-Dyed' Sinn. 'Peridot's Tie-Dyed'(Third Best in Class 5B)

Class 6 Other Sinningia species or hybrids (largest leaf less than 1" long)
第6級 其他原生種或園藝種的岩桐 (最大的葉子須小於3公分)

 Sinn 'Bright Eyes'(Best in Class 6)

Class 7 Other tuberous gesneriads
第7級 其他球根型態的苦苣苔植物

xSinvana 'Mt. Magazine'  xSinvana 'Mt. Magazine' (Best in Class 7) Chrysothemis sp. 'Ecuador' Chrysothemis sp. 'Ecuador' (Second Best in Class 7)

Section B - New World Rhizomatous Gesneriads in Flower
B區 - 開花中的新世界苦苣苔植物 - 鱗莖類

Class 8 Achimenes

Achimenes 'Glory' (Close) Achimenes 'Glory' (Best in Class 8)    

Class 9 Kohleria

Kohleria hirsuta 'Trinidad' (Close) Kohleria hirsuta 'Trinidad' (Best in Class 9A) Kohleria coccinea (Close) Kohleria coccinea (Second Best in Class 9A)(Judge Word : Not a Valid Species Name - Likely a Hybrid)

Class 9B Kohleria

Kohleria 'Strawberry Fields' (Close) Kohleria 'Strawberry Fields' (Third Best in Class 9B) Kohleria 'Manchu' (Close) Kohleria 'Manchu' (Best in Class 9B)
Kohleria hybrid (Close) Kohleria hybrid (Close) (Second Best in Class 9B) Kohleria 'Bristol's Evil Storm' (Close) Kohleria 'Bristol's Evil Storm' (Honorable Mention)

Class 9C Kohleria

Kohleria 'Magnifik' (Close) Kohleria 'Magnifik' (Third Best in Class 9C) Kohleria 'Thad's Uncle Ron' (Close) Kohleria 'Thad's Uncle Ron' (Second Best in Class 9C)
Kohleria 'Silver Feather' (Close) Kohleria 'Silver Feather' (Best in Class 9C)    

Class 10 Seemannia and its intergeneric hybrids
第10級 其他鱗莖類苦苣苔植物

xGloximannia 'She's Dancing' (Close) xGloximannia 'She's Dancing' (Best in Class 10)    

Class 12 Other rhizomatous gesneriads (less than 5")
第12級 其他鱗莖類苦苣苔植物 (需小於5吋)

Amalophyllon clarkii (Third Best in Class 12)

Class 13 Other rhizomatous gesneriads
第13級 其他鱗莖類苦苣苔植物 (應該是超過5吋啦)

Amalophyllon clarkii (Third Best in Class 13) Amalophyllon sp. RM 2006 (Close) Amalophyllon sp. RM 2006 (Best in Class 13) xPhinastema 'California Dreaming' (Second Best in Class 13)
Diastema vexans (Close) Diastema vexans (Honorable Mention)    

Section C - New World Fibrous-Rooted Gesneriads in Flower
C區 - 開花中的新世界鬚根類苦苣苔植物

Class 16 Episcia, Alsobia
第16級 喜蔭
花, 額索花

Alsobia 'Cygnet' (Close) Alsobia 'Cygnet' (Best in Class 16) Episcia 'Pink Smoke' (Close) Episcia 'Pink Smoke' (Second Best in Class 16)

Class 17 Gesneria

Gesneria 'Ako Cardinal Flight' (Third Best in Class 17) Gesneria 'Ako Cardinal Flight' (Close) Gesneria 'Ako Cardinal Flight' (Second Best in Class 17)  

Class 19 Other fibrous-rooted gesneriads

Paradrymonia sp. (rileyi ined.) (Close) Paradrymonia sp. (rileyi ined.) (Best in Class 19)    

Section D - Old World Gesneriads in Flower
D區 - 開花中的舊世界苦苣苔植物

Class 21 Petrocosmea

Petrocosmea 'Keystone's Angora' (Close) Petrocosmea 'Keystone's Angora' (Second Best in Class 21) Petrocosmea barbata (Close) Petrocosmea barbata (Third Best in Class 21)

Class 22 Primulina species or named cultivars
第22級 原生種或有命名的長朔苦苣(

Class 22A

Primulina tamiana(Third Best in Class 22A) Primulina linearifolia 'Variegated' Primulina tamiana(Best in Class 22A)  

Class 22B

Primulina sp. USBRG 98-083 (Close) Primulina sp. USBRG 98-083 (Third Best in Class 22B) Primulina repanda var. 'Guilinensis' (Close) Primulina repanda var. 'Guilinensis' (Second Best in Class 22B)
Primulina sp. USBRG 98-083 (Honorable Mention) Primulina tabacum (Close) Primulina tabacum (Best in Class 22B)  

Class 23 Primulina hybrids
第23級 園藝種長朔苦苣(

Primulina 'Gotham' (Close) Primulina 'Gotham' (Third Best in Class 23) Primulina 'Deco' (Close) Primulina 'Deco'
Primulina 'Hotei' (Close) Primulina 'Hotei' Primulina 'Cynthia' (Close) Primulina 'Cynthia' (Best in Class 23) (Best Primulina) (Best Old Word Gesneriad in Flower) ( Best Gesneriad Convention Show)
Primulina 'Maxtimer' (Close) Primulina 'Maxtimer' (Second Best in Class 23)    

Class 24 Saintpaulia species

S. ionantha 'Mather clone' (Close) S. ionantha 'Mather clone' (Best in Class 24) S. 5c2 diplotricha 'Parker' (Close) S. 5c2 diplotricha 'Parker' (Second Best in Class 24)

Class 25 Saintpaulia hybrids or cultivars (miniatures)

Rob's Kid Wheezy (Third Best in Class 25) Jolly Jingle (Second Best in Class 25) Child's Play Pink Dove (Best in Class 25)
hybrid (Honorable Mention)      

Class 26 Saintpaulia hybrids or cultivars (semiminiatures)

Jolly Luck (Second Best in Class 26) Ness' Pixie Grin (Best in Class 26) California Victory Storybook Princess
Irish Flirt (Third Best in Class 26) Ness' Crinkle Blue    

Class 27 Saintpaulia hybrids or cultivars (standards)

Aca's Red Tornado (Close) Aca's Red Tornado ( Best in Class 27)    

Class 28 Saintpaulia trailers
第28級 懸垂

Rob's Vanilla Trail (Close) Rob's Vanilla Trail ( Best in Class 28)    

Class 30 Streptocarpus subgenus Streptocarpus,species
第30級 原生種堇蘭,亞屬堇蘭

Strep lilliputana (Close) Strep lilliputana (Best in Class 30) Strep fenestra-dei (Close) Strep fenestra-dei (Third Best in Class 30)
 Strep pusillus JT04-02 (Close) Strep pusillus JT04-02 (Second Best in Class 30)  Strep pusillus JT04-02文字說明  

Class 31 Streptocarpus,subgenus Streptocarpus,hybrids

Strep 'Little Kan' (Close) Strep 'Little Kan' (Second Best in Class 31) Strep 'Heartland's Baby Kisses' (Close) Strep 'Heartland's Baby Kisses' (Best in Class 31) (Runner-up to Best in Show)
Strep 'Heartland's White Gold' (Close) Strep 'Heartland's White Gold' (Third Best in Class 31) (Best Dale Martens Hybrid) ( Best Recently Registered)    

Class 33 Other Old World gesneriads
第33級 其他舊世界苦苣苔科植物

Conandron ramondiodes 'Pink' (Close) Conandron ramondiodes 'Pink' (Second Best in Class 33) Henckelia speciosa 'Ako Sky' (Close) Henckelia speciosa 'Ako Sky' (Best in Class 33)

Section E - Gesneriads Grown for Ornamental Qualities other than Flowers
E區 - 非以賞花為主的苦苣苔植物

Class 34 Episcia
第34級 喜蔭花(火焰紫羅蘭)

Episcia 'Kee Wee' (Honorable Mention) Episcia 'Kee Wee' (Third Best in Class 34) Episcia 'Harmony's Slinky Pink' (Second Best in Class 34)  

Class 35 Episcia with pink-and-white leaf variegation
第35級 粉紅色白色斑葉喜蔭花(鐵板級斑葉火焰紫羅蘭)

Episcia 'Cleopatra' Episcia 'Pink Smoke' (Second Best in Class 35) Episcia 'Pink Dreams' (Best in Class 35)  

Class 36 Primulina

Class 36A

Primulina spadiciformis (Third Best in Class 36A) Primulina sp. USBRG 98-083 (Honorable Mention) Primulina linearifolia 'Variegated' (Best in Class 36A) ( Best Grown For Foliage) Primulina dryas 'Latifolia' dwarf (Second Best in Class 36A)
Primulina dryas 'Latifolia' dwarf 2

Class 36B

Primulina 'Silver Surfer' (Honorable Mention) Primulina 'Patina' ( Best in Class 36B) Primulina 'Famlanna' Primulina 'Rachel' (Third Best in Class 36B)
Primulina 'Charade' (Second Best in Class 36B)  Primulina 'Chastity' (Close) Primulina 'Chastity'  

Class 37 Other gesneriads with green-and-white leaf variegation
第37級 其他斑葉種的苦苣苔科植物

Strep 'Dale's Polar Midnight' (Second Best in Class 37) Strep 'Dale's Polar Midnight'文字說明 Strep 'Heartland's Snowbaby' (Best in Class 37) Columnea 'Broget Stavanger'

Class 38 Other Old Word gesneriads
第38級 其他舊世界的苦苣苔科植物

Petrocosmea minor

Class 39 Other New Word gesneriads
第38級 其他新世界的苦苣苔科植物

Kohleria 'Strawberry Fields' (Third Best in Class 39) Sinn. bullata (Best in Class 39) Sinn. leucotricha (Second Best in Class 39)  

Section F - New Gesneriads
F區 - 新苦苣苔植物

Class 40 New species in flower
第40級 開花中的新原生種

Gasteranthus diverticularis (Close) Gasteranthus diverticularis ( Best in Class 40) ( Best New Species) ( Best New Gesneriad) Gasteranthus diverticularis文字說明
Monopyle sp. (Second Best in Class 40) Monopyle sp.文字說明  

Class 41 New species Not in flower
第41級 未開花的新原生種

Primulina drakei (Best in Class 41) Primulina drakei文字說明

Class 42 New Hybrids in Flower
第42級 開花中的新園藝種

Sinn hybrid 07-05i (Close) Sinn hybrid 07-05i (Best in Class 42) Sinn hybrid 07-05i文字說明
Sinn 'WSL's Fuchsia' (Close) Sinn 'WSL's Fuchsia' Sinn 'WSL's Fuchsia'文字說明
Lysionotus 'Pudding' (Close) Lysionotus 'Pudding' (Second Best in Class 42) Lysionotus 'Pudding'文字說明
Primulina 'Omen' (Close) Primulina 'Omen' (Honorable Mention) Primulina 'Omen'文字說明
Kohleria 'Pinafore' (Close) Kohleria 'Pinafore' Kohleria 'Pinafore'文字說明
Sinn hybrid 08-02ah (Close) Sinn hybrid 08-02ah (Third Best in Class 42) Sinn hybrid 08-02ah文字說明

Section G - Lesser-Known Gesneriads Seldom Seen in Shows
G區 - 很少在花展出現的不是很出名的苦苣苔植物

Class 44 Lesser-Known gesneriads in flower
第44級 不是很出名的開花苦苣苔

Gesneria libanensis subsp. lopezii (Close) Gesneria libanensis subsp. lopezii ( Best in Class 44) Gesneria libanensis subsp. lopezii文字說明
Reldia sp. (Close) Reldia sp. (Second Best in Class 44) ( Best Lesser Known Gesneriad) Reldia sp.文字說明

Class 45 Lesser-Known gesneriads not in flower
第45級 不是很出名的未開花苦苣苔

Cyrtandra sp. 'Java' (Second Best in Class 45) Cyrtandra sp. 'Java'文字說明 Petrocosmea sp. (Best in Class 45) ( Best Petrocosmea) Petrocosmea sp.文字說明

Section H - Trained or Sculptured Gesneriads
H區 - 培訓雕琢過的苦苣苔植物

Class 46 Bonsai,topiary,espalier,or other style
第46級 盆栽修剪或其他型態

Lysionotus pauciflorus (Third Best in Class 46) Colunmea linearis (Third Best in Class 46) Streptocarpus hybrid: standard (Best in Class 46) ( Best Trained or Sculptured Gesneriad) Streptocarpus hybrid: standard文字說明

Section I - Collections of Gesneriads
I區 - 苦苣苔植物群的比賽

Class 47 Collections
第47級 同屬的植物群

Collection of microminiature sinningia (left to right : muscicola, concinna, pusilla) (Second Best in Class 47) Collection of Petrocosmeas (top: minor, left : rosettifolia, right : sericea) (Best in Class 47) (Best Collection)

Class 48 Kinship Group
第48級 有親屬關係的植物群

Sinningia Kinship Group (Second Best in Class 48) (Best Looking Tuber) Sinningia Kinship Group文字說明 
Primulina Kinship Group (Best in Class 48) Primulina Kinship Group文字說明 
 Primulina brassicoides Primulina dryas 'Latifolia' dwarf 3(flower)  Primulina dryas 'Latifolia' dwarf 3 Primulina brassicoides hybird 2 
 Primulina brassicoides hybird 1(flower) Primulina brassicoides hybird 1  Primulina brassicoides hybird 3(flower)  Primulina brassicoides hybird 3

Section J - Gesneriads Grown by Novices
J區 - 由新手栽培的苦苣苔植物

Class 49 Gesneriads in Flower Grown by Novices
第49級 由新手栽培的開花苦苣苔植物

Strep. 'Iced Artistry' (Close) Strep. 'Iced Artistry' (Second Best in Class 49)

Class 50 Gesneriads Grown for ornamental qualities
第50級 栽培到具高觀賞品質的苦苣苔植物

Episcia 'Kee Wee' (Best in Class 50) (Best Gesneriad Grown by a Novice) (Best Episcia) 
